Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is how we do it in Or-y-gon...apparenty

Ok, so tonight we went to something called Donkey Basketball...yes, donkey basketball, we were that bored!! j/k It was something to do and it was free, so why not, right? People actually played basketball while riding donkeys! I thought it might be humorus, but it turned out to be SOOOO BORING! So I thought I'd bring the boredom to you!


  1. Way back in the 70's this was a big thing! Grandpa Dokos played it and Grandma has the pictures to prove it...can't you see that poor donkey trying to run up the court with a 200 plus 6'3" man riding him? That WAS funny! :)

  2. oh my gosh that is hilarious! but hey i guess what can you expect for free?

  3. It could be worse. They could be riding cows.
